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一次性防水 防油床单、腹膜床单 规格:80*180cm 颜色:白色 材质:正面为无纺布,光面为PVC印花图案(防水防油) 防水防油床单是用淋膜无纺布做成,床单上面有水或精油都不会渗透下来 一包10条!一包起拍,一箱70包! 欢迎批发,量大更优! 我公司主要产品有水刺无纺布制品系列、纯棉毛巾制品系列。无纺布制品主要产品有以下系列:压缩毛巾,压缩面膜,面膜贴,家用擦布,一次性口罩,一次性内裤 ,一次性浴巾,一次性工作服装等 纯棉制品主要有:全棉压缩方巾,全棉压缩浴巾,全棉压缩T恤等。 Co., Ltd mainly produces spun lacing nonwoven products as well as 100%cotton products. The nonwoven products include compressed towel, compressed facial mask, facial mask, household cleaning-cloth, and disposable mouth mask and so on. The cotton products include 100%cotton compressed towel, 100% cotton compressed bath towel, and 100%cotton compressed t-shirt and so on. 1. 压缩毛巾:本品压缩毛巾采用水刺无纺布精致而成,压缩成为体积小、美观大方、便于携带,入水三秒即可变为一张洗脸、擦拭用毛巾。 Compressed towel: it is made of spun lacing nonwoven material with small size and elegant appearance, being convenient to take. It will change into a towel after being dropped into water for three seconds.
2. 压缩面巾:本品压缩毛巾采用水刺无纺布精致而成,采用铝塑密封包装,产品小巧玲珑,便于携带,是出差旅行,郊游野炊的理想用品。 Coin tissue: it is made of spun lacing nonwoven material, packaged in aluminum-plastic. The product is the ideal product for business trip or travel for its convenience to carry with its small size.
3. 压缩面膜: 采用纯棉交叉网水刺无纺布压缩而成,吸水力强,不易变形,贴脸亲肤性好,,卫生方便,保存期长;质量安全保证。独特的不织布结构,给肌肤迅速大量的补水,防止营养成分蒸发和流失,加强皮肤对养分的吸收。 Compressed facial mask: it is made of 100%cotton spun lacing nonwoven material with strong water absorbing force, solid shape, strong pro-skin ability, high standard of hygiene, long guarantee period. The special nonwoven fabric makes skin absorb great amount of water easily in short time, and prevents loss of nutritional ingredients and strengthen the absorbing ability of nutritional ingredients for skin. 4. 面膜纸:采用纯棉交叉网水刺无纺布,吸水力强,不易变形,贴脸亲肤性好,,卫生方便,保存期长;质量安全保证。 Facial mask: it is made of 100%cotton spun lacing nonwoven material with strong water absorbing force, solid shape, strong pro-skin ability, high standard of hygiene, long guarantee period.
5.抹布:采用水刺无纺布折叠而成,颜色鲜艳,具有不褪色,不掉丝,吸水性强等特点,是酒店餐饮,家庭厨房必备清洁用品。 Cleaning-cloth: it is made of spun nonwoven material with features of bright color, fast color, strong absorbing ability and so on. It is the essential product used in hotels, restaurants, house kitchens for cleaning. 6. 压缩抹布:本品压缩毛巾采用水刺无纺布精致而成,采用密封包装,产品小巧玲珑,便于携带,是出差旅行,郊游野炊的理想用品。 Compressed cleaning-cloth: it is made of spun lacing nonwoven products with airproof packaging. The product is the ideal product for business trip or travel for its convenience to carry with its small size. 7.压缩方巾:纯棉压缩毛巾是一种设计新颖,小巧玲珑且又无污染的绿色日用品。该产品由纯棉材料真空压缩成型,再用收缩膜包装。 Compressed towel: 100%cotton compressed towel is a daily use with new design and small size and non-pollution causing material, which is airproof compressed and then packaged in shrinking plastic bag. 8.压缩T恤:产品以全棉T恤压缩塑封包装而成。有T恤形状,心型等。 Compressed t-shirt: it is made of 100%cotton material and wrapped in plastic package, including t-shirt shape, heart shape and others. 9.一次性口罩:产品以无纺布为原料,经3层折叠复合而成,功效:高效过滤,高效吸附,抗菌抗病毒性能优异。采用高档过滤层材料,病菌、粉尘、有害气体可达到95%以上的过滤效果。 The disposable mouth mask: it is made of nonwoven material, compounding after being folded for three times, and with functions of strong ability to filter, strong ability to absorb, antibiosis, and antivirus. And it adopts top-grade filtered material, preventing over 95% virus, dust, and noxious gas. 10.压缩浴巾:产品为全棉浴巾压缩而成,产品压缩成圆形,心形等。 Compressed towel: it is made of 100%cotton with round shape and heart shape. |